Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Beauty Pageants: Should You Let Your Teen Enter Them?

Are you the parent of a teenager, namely a female teen? If you are, has your teen ever mentioned entering into a beauty pageant before? If she recently has, have you given her a decision yet? For many parents, their first though is “no way,” but you should know that beauty pageants are all not as bad as they seem.

When it comes to determining whether or not you should let your teen enter a beauty pageant or even a number of them, you should know that there are a number of pros and cons to doing so. One of those pros or plus sides is the fact that it is something that your teenager wants to do. If your teenager was the one who brought up a beauty pageant then there is a good chance that it is something that interests them.

Another one of the many pros or plus sides to allowing your teen enter a beauty pageant or even a number of them is because of the rewards. What is nice about beauty pageants is that you don’t just get a trophy or a ribbon, but you also get a cash prize reward. Instead of cash, some beauty pageants even give out scholarships. If your child is interested in making their own money or if they are interested in going to college, a beauty pageant may actually be able to help them achieve their goals.

While there are a number of pros to letting your teen enter into beauty pageants, there are also a number of cons or downsides to doing so as well. One of those downsides is the work that goes into attending beauty pageants. Now, if your teen was only interested in competing in a local pageant, this may not be as big of an issue for you. However, there are beauty pageant families out there who actually spend time traveling across the country participating in beauty pageants. While you and your teen can do this if you want, it often places a lot of stress, both emotional and financial, on all family members.

Another one of the cons or downsides to allowing your teen to participate in a beauty pageant is the results. Unfortunately, it seems as there is a stereotype associated with beauty pageants. Many individuals only believe that beauty pageants are for those who are breathtakingly beautiful or skinny. Perhaps, this is due in part to the fashion industry and many beauty pageant judges. Although your teen can participate in a beauty pageant if she wants to, no matter what her appearance is, it is something that you may want to take into consideration. For teens, there is nothing worse or more damaging to one’s self-esteem if they are told or made to feel as if they aren’t pretty or talented enough.

In keeping with the competition, your teen may find it quite difficult to jump right into beauty pageants. A good number of the teens who participate in beauty pageant have done so since they were a toddler or elementary school aged. While not always, these participants are often more likely to see success than someone who recently decided to enter a beauty pageant. Of course, that doesn’t mean that your teen can’t place high or even win a beauty pageant, but it does mean that they may have a lot of hard work ahead of them.

The above mentioned pros and cons are just a few of the many that exist. If your teen has recently asked you if they could take part in a beauty pageant, it is something that you and the rest of your family may want to seriously consider or at least closely examine.

Beauty Books: Are They Worth Your Money?

Are you interested in improving your appearance? If you are, are you interested in learning what types of makeup is best for you, as well as how to properly apply it? If you are, you may have turned to the internet or to fashion magazines, but have you ever thought about buying a beauty book? If you haven’t or even if you have, you may be wondering whether or not beauty books are really worth the money.

When it comes to determining whether or not beauty books are worth the money, there are a number of important factors that should be taken into consideration. For instance, beauty books come in a number of different formats. If you are looking for something in particular, like how to properly apply and remove makeup, you may be able to find a beauty book that specializes solely on those tasks. Beauty books that are right to the point and contain the information that you are looking are the best and they are definitely worth your money.

In addition, when trying to determine if beauty books are worth the buy, you will want to individually examine each book that you are interested in buying. Books may cover the same topics, but the information inside of them may be presented in different ways. For instance, if you were looking to buy a beauty book that outlined the proper ways to apply makeup, you likely want to see drawings or pictures; right? Just so you know, not all beauty guides contain detailed pictures or drawings. That is why it is important that you learn as much as you can about a beauty book before deciding to buy one.

Although the beauty book or books that you would like to buy are important in determining if the book or books are the worth your money, so is the location in which you buy them from. You should know that beauty books can be found at an unlimited number of different locations. For starters, you can buy beauty books from your local bookstores, beauty supply stores, department stores, and fashion stores. In addition to storefront locations, you can also buy beauty books from a number of online retailers. You will want to think comparing prices first to ensure that you are getting the best deal or at least to make sure that you aren’t being overcharged.

If you are interested in buying a beauty book, but you are also on a tight budget, you may want to think about buying used books. There are a number websites, including online auction websites, where you can buy used books, including used beauty books. Also, if you like to attend yard sales or book sales, you may want to think about keeping your open for beauty books. Yard sales, thrift stores, and online auction websites often allow you to get a used book for fifty or even seventy-five percent off the normal asking price.

The decision as to where you want to buy a beauty book from, as well as which book you would like to buy is yours to make. With that in mind, however, it is important to make sure that you know exactly what you are buying. Just buying a beauty book without skimming through the book first or reading online reviews is almost always a surefire way to be met with disappointment or even end up wasting your money.